David E. Will offers private consulting services in the following areas:
Drought Recovery and Avoidance
Food Forest Establishment
Landscape Design, Planning and Management
Land Planning
Ranch Management Planning
Wildlife Management Planning
And more.
Who should you trust for your ranch management solutions? Whether you hire David or someone else, these are some of the traits you might look for in a consultant.
The consultant should,
give clients all the facts, even if it hurts
display truth and transparency
be a lifetime learner
not gossip
show gratitude
respect boundaries
not expect something for nothing
not be materialistic or desperate for money
respect your time and the time of others
be right more often than not
David is worth the money you will pay him. He charges a fair price for his time and effort, so you will get the best return for your investment. He will save you more money than he will charge, and the savings and earnings will last a lifetime. He will be there for you and work with your schedule. He will give you all the options and allow you to decide what is right for you.
You will get answers from 70+ years of experience, knowledge earned from a lifetime of study and observation, and the wisdom to tell you what he doesn't know.
Private Classes at TOA
David also offers custom-designed, paid classes to short-term Participants.
Participants (not registered students) who will benefit from TOA classes include beginning farmers, ranchers, landscape contractors, nursery growers, and others who want to learn small-scale business processes and management. Hobbyists can greatly improve their skills. Environmentalists who wish to better understand how agribusiness operates are welcome.
What do you want to learn? We design courses around your needs.
We offer two- or three-day classes on weekends or weekdays.
We offer six weeks of classes with 3 hours of lecture, one day a week
We offer individual lectures to fit your schedule
Contact: Please email thinkorganic1@gmail.com as our farm and ranch is open by appointment only.