The TOA Mission is to prepare the next generation of farmers, ranchers, and agribusiness students for the future of regenerative agriculture in Texas.
Environmentalists are not born in a vacuum; they arrive at their decisions from being out in the environment. Author Unknown
TOA asks all students and participants to:
Cultivate an appreciation for regenerative, organic agriculture and the benefits it provides for humanity and the environment.
Nurture independent thought about the integrated approaches and responsible methods used to grow crops and raise animals.
Raise awareness of nature and its interactions within the entire web of life.
Create healthy and sustainable lifestyles.
Shape strong bodies - your health is your wealth.
Set personal goals.
Increase knowledge.
Build self-confidence.
Increase respect for organic, sustainable, and regenerative farming.
Get hands-on experience.
Promote social justice.
Promote sustainable agriculture.
Protect the food supply.
Promote environmental stewardship and health for the planet.
Promote fair trade - a fair price for products delivered, (price makers, not price takers).
Learn about and invest in farm & ranch safety - preserve whole health.
Promote food & consumer safety.
Attend to animal welfare.
Promote food sovereignty - the ability of people to farm without government intervention
Hope is oxygen for your soul. Author Unknown