TOA offers agricultural students an opportunity to learn small-scale farming, fruit and nut production, ranching of grass-fed beef, ornamental horticulture production, landscape management and a host of other agricultural skills. This program is offered to the serious student who wishes to learn about organic, sustainable, and regenerative agriculture.

TOA participants will benefit from both hands-on and directed book learning. In-the-field learning is integrated with a targeted curriculum developed from best-in-class books. The instructional materials are based on decades of experience and delivered by instructors who want to meet students’ needs. Students are given onsite instruction and study guidance to pursue learning that follows their interests. Each experience is custom-designed to that student's needs.

Students can progress at the rate they choose; it is up to them to complete a course or finish a book.

Those who complete their studies will be recommended to other landowners for positions at farms and/or ranches.

TOA students pay no tuition except to work to improve their plot of land for the next participant. Each student keeps 90% of the money they earn from growing, producing, and selling the crops and animals they raise.

TOA's home is at the Blue Rock Ranch, just north of Schulenburg, Texas.

TOA offers each farming or ranching student their own portion of land on which to practice, experiment and experience farming. This land is loaned at little cost to the student (10% of the value of any TOA produce they sell). When they graduate from TOA, that land becomes available to other students.

Ranching students can raise cattle on the Blue Rock Ranch, with a 10% fee for land management coming from the sale of any animal(s) that student raises and sells.

In essence, students tithe back to the Blue Rock Ranch from their earnings in order to support future Learners and the TOA mission.