
Employ your time in improving yourself by other men's writings, so that you shall gain easily what others have labored hard for.   Socrates

All students are expected to read from a selection of instructional materials, magazines, and books that are selected for them.  Students should read at a rate that is comfortable to them.  When one book is finished, another book or books will be offered to further their education.  

Students are encouraged to highlight the books they read, so that the instructor can see what interested the student and what areas need to be emphasized in their education.  There are no written tests.  Instead the books, magazines and articles are discussed to deepen the learning.

Those who do not read of the advancements taking place in their own field of endeavor have no advantage over those who cannot read. Dr. T. L. Senn

And of course the best education in life is experience.  Each student will be given first-hand experience in multiple disciplines.  Everyone needs to know about growing a garden and the basics of animal husbandry.  You also need to know how to properly prune a tree or shrub and why you always put the dirt uphill when digging a hole.  

Wisdom comes from sharing knowledge, from experience, and from learning from both failure and success.  

Asking the questions for which there are no answers is the beginning of wisdom. Harrell Beck