Regenerative Agriculture integrates today's scientific advances with classic, sustainable, organic practices.
Healthy plants come from healthy soils. Healthy animals come from eating healthy plants. Healthy humans choose plants and animals that grow and live in highly fertile soils alive with soil microbes and rich in minerals and nutrients.
Healthy farmers and ranchers work within the philosophy of Regenerative, Sustainable and Organic Agriculture. This non-toxic and life-sustaining approach is known as Eco-Agriculture, Biodynamic, Biological, Natural, and Restorative farming. Contrast these words with mainstream industrial agricultural terms such as: toxic rescue chemistry, low fertility, highly eroded soils, and mineral- and nutrient-deficient plants. The difference between unhealthy and life-giving agriculture lies in organic and sustainable practices.
Think Organic Academy (TOA) offers a free hands-on and study-based curriculum. Students approved to participate will receive one year of access to a plot of land and tutoring from a deeply experienced mentor. Ninety percent of proceeds from the sale of animals or produce raised on that land go to the student. In return, TOA students will work to organically improve the land for the next learner to use.
Learn more here.
Apply here.